Am I the only person who loathes new years resolutions? I totally understand the desire to make changes in your life - everyone has something they want to change whether its losing those few extra kilos, quitting smoking, finding that dream job, whatever; what I don't get is why the decision to take action has to coincide with the beginning of a new year... If you have reached the point where you have identified your goals and are ready to take steps to make them happen then it shouldn't matter whether it is the beginning of the year - why not just get out there and make it happen whatever the date! <end rant>
So after all that happy new year! Welcome to 2014! Obviously I'm not making any specific resolutions; what I am doing however is planning on a big positive 2014 with lots of good things on the cards for the year. Hopefully that will include continuing on this blogging journey (and blogging more regularly), plenty of happy family events, more crafting and sewing and a successful year at work. I wish the same for you and yours. Love, happiness and prosperity all around is my hope for everyone.
In our house we've started the year on a high already by welcoming a new addition into our home...
Introducing Charlie the budgie.
We're assuming that Charlie is a boy however because he's so young we won't be able to tell for sure whether that is actually the case for another couple of months. But even if Charlie does end up being "Charlotte" rather then "Charles" it's not a biggie.
Charlie joined us on January 2nd and already feels like part of the family. He's doing so fantastically already with his training, is showing real interest in what the family is doing as well as making sure (sometimes quite vocally) that we remember he's part of the family now and wants to be involved in everything too.
Also on the home front we've been having a few bits and pieces done around the place so there's been trades-people traipsing in and out for what feels like weeks (in reality its probably only been just over a week since they started coming in quoting on the work but it feels like longer). No major renovations or anything, just replacing some old light fittings, switches and fans that we've been putting off doing for ages and installing a split system aircon in the lounge. It's amazing to see how much of a difference these little changes really make.
Of course once you start these little changes things start to snowball so there is now a growing list of further 'little' bits and pieces that are being added to the to-do list. Next on the list will probably be repainting so I'm looking forward to choosing colours and getting some paint splashing around. I find there is something very satisfying about painting a wall - it probably has something to do with my constant need to see something tangible as a result of my efforts and you definitely get that from painting. And then of course you can't repaint without also replacing the soft furnishings.... cushion covers, curtains, rugs... I'm getting excited thinking about all the things I could make!
So much to do, so many options. What are your favourite / least favourite DIY home improvement jobs? What little touches do you think make the most impact in your home?