Sunday, 3 September 2017

Trying something new (to me)

It was months and months ago that I acquired a super cheap, second-hand Janome overlocker.

After the overlocker came into my possession it spent a few weeks in the trunk of my car, and then several months languishing in a box while I focused on a few quilting project deadlines. Finally those quilting projects are done so I've been able to put the sewing machine away and pull out the overlocker for a bit of a play.

She's a really old Janome MyLock 234D and on top of my months of neglect, it looks as though its been a very long time since she's been used.

I spent a few hours today cleaning her up, oiling her and then more than an hour working out how on earth I was supposed to thread her (and lots of fiddling with a super long needle threader). After all that it was a major fingers crossed moment hoping that she would actually work.

And guess what? She chugged along almost perfectly the very first time!

All threaded and ready to go

She even stitches!
After a stitching a few scraps and adjusting the tension I was good to go...Except for one thing...

When I threaded her, I used four different coloured spools of thread so I could easily see if there were any problems, and which one it was that I needed to adjust.After spending an hour getting it threaded properly in the first place I wasn't keen on going through that process again!

Pinterest to the rescue! Instead of doing the whole re-threading process again I simply cut the threads at the spools, tied the new spool threads to the cut ends and sewed until all four of the new threads were coming out the other end.

So just over 3 hours of fiddling and I had myself a functioning overlocker.

And an hour after that, I've cut and sewn my very first usable item with it - a long sleeve raglan shirt for me!

My first overlocked item - a raglan shirt for me.
Apologies for the bathroom pic, its getting late and that's where the lighting was best. 

I did need to pull out the sewing machine to hem the sleeves and bottom, but other than that it's all overlocked.

While I've made a few items of clothing for the monster and I've had lots of good intentions to make my own clothes, I think I can probably count on one hand the number of wearables I've made for myself (and actually worn). But this turned out awesome! I'll definitely be making a few more of these in different colours / prints.

I can see lots of knit fabrics in my future... shirts, tank tops, pants, pyjamas.. the possibilities are endless.

Until next time.


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