Thursday, 14 December 2017

Project of Doom - Block details

I'm on a roll! 2 posts in one day.... image spam coming up...

As promised in my earlier post, here are each of the blocks in my Project of Doom / Harry Potter Boockcase quilt top.

The Un-bloggable Quilt - Finished gifted and now bloggable

You may have noticed me referring a couple of times to a quilt that I've been working on but not blogging about (the un-bloggable quilt). Well its finally finished and its been gifted so I can post about it now. Yay! I've been itching to share this one with you.

The quilt is the "Project of Doom" (PoD) Harry Potter bookcase quilt from Fandom in Stitches and it's taken me 18 months on and off to get this king-sized quilt pieced, quilted and finished.

So without further ado.. here it is...

Finished quilt front
Finished quilt back
I can't thank Jennifer Ofenstein and the FiS community enough for the patterns, inspiration, ideas and support as I went through the process of making this quilt. It took forever, but I'm thrilled with how it turned out.

More details on the individual blocks and the quilting process in coming posts.

Until next time