Even receiving pics of my patterns being put together by the wonderful people that volunteer to test them surprises me and makes me super happy (and I know that those pics are coming!).
With the death of John Hurt a few days ago, it was sort of inevitable that my embroidered version of the "War Doctor" made a reappearance but I still wasn't prepared for the pic to show up in my social media again.
John Hurt: The War Doctor by Karen McGuigan 10" Embroidery |
Today it's the Fandom In Stitches 2016 tribute post - remembering some of the icons that we lost last year. Originally planned to be a Carrie Fisher and George Michael tribute, it got extended to be a more general 2016 tribute. There are some amazing patterns in there paying tribute to not just Fisher and Michael, but also Prince, David Bowie, Anton Yelchin, and Alan Rickman.
In the mix are three of my patterns:
Leia with Blaster In Memory of Carrie Fisher 1956-2016 by Karen McGuigan tested by Sue Garcia 10" paper pieced Inspired by a Star Wars promo pic. |
All of the patterns above are available on fandominstitches.com or over on My Patterns page.