Friday 19 May 2017

Week 20.3 - Goblin King: Labyrinth Quilt and Stitch Along

Week 20 saw the release of my Humongous embroidery pattern as well as the assembly instructions for the left and right sections of the #LabyrinthQuilt on

Again the assembly instructions require adding sashing to each embroidered block before joining the sections together.

This week we work with Sir Didymus and Ambrosius, the Firey and the Four Guards.

I forgot to take pics of the individually sashed blocks, but the joined sections can be seen below.

Labyrinth quilt #1 - left side section
Labyrinth quilt #1 - Right side section
So that is it for the patterns and assembly instructions up to now. I really can't wait to next week for the final event pattern and assembly instructions. Excited and sad at the same time.

Until next time.


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